55,890 research outputs found

    Design Exchanges in Mid-Twentieth Century Buenos Aires: The Programme Parque Almirante Brown and its Process of Creative Appropriation

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.This article offers a critical analysis of planning and housing design in mid-twentieth century Buenos Aires, Argentina, within the wider global context of modern design and architecture. In particular, the article focuses on an urban development programme, Parque Almirante Brown (PAB), and on its design plans for slums, shantytowns and social housing. The PAB creatively intertwined elements from different design and planning traditions, including urban design approaches fostered by the Congrès Internationaux d’Architecture Moderne (CIAM). This article argues that the way in which the PAB incorporated these approaches implies the selection of concepts that responded to the government’s political agenda. In other words, it was only through their intersection with local political anxieties that international ideas were included in the actual design of the programme. Specifically, with regard to informal settlements, the PAB followed modern architectural practices based on slum clearance. Simultaneously, it filtered out those ideas which celebrated the vernacular, registered positive aspects in slum life, or granted agency to grassroots groups. Thus, despite contemporaneous discussions which engaged with bottom-up participation, such as those of Team 10, the PAB ultimately proposed the eradication of the shantytowns and the forced displacement of their inhabitants

    Development of a geological model useful for the study of the natural hazards in urban environments. An example from the eastern sector of Rome (Italy)

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    Detailed knowledge of the subsoil setting is an extremely important issue for a correct risk reduction policy, especially when dealing with urban areas hosting cultural heritage, which enhance risk conditions even at low geo-hazard levels, as in the case of Rome. In general, the reliability of risk assessments related to geo-hazards is strictly dependent on the resolution of the reference geological model. The study presented here exemplifies an integrated methodology aimed at refining the knowledge of the geological setting in unique urban environments, such as the city of Rome, where canonical approaches are limited by the scarcity of outcrops and ad-hoc geognostic surveys may be expensive and time-consuming. The methodology used in the study is based on a critical review of available geological, stratigraphic, archeological and historical-archival data. The integration of such data, properly stored, managed and analysed in a GIS environment, made it possible to: i) better frame the geological setting of a wide sector of the eastern part of Rome; and, in particular, ii) focus on buried natural morphologies (i.e. valleys) strongly modified by progressive urbanisation that determined their filling with huge thickness of backfills, which often represent a critical geotechnical issue. A detailed geological model was thus developed. The model shows slight but significant differences with respect to already available official maps, emphasising the need for carrying out in-depth analyses of already existing data from different sources, in order to collect thematic data to be used for effective land management policies

    Equipamiento urbano y estructura ecológica. Centro lúdico infantil en Villa de Leyva, Boyacá

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    Artículo de InvestigaciónEste proyecto de grado tiene como lugar el centro histórico, siendo un espacio urbano cuenta con una amplia estructura ecológica como lo es la red hídrica del Río Sáchica y los cerros del santuario de flora y fauna de Iguaque, configurando el pueblo. Su principal función es mantener la relación del paisaje con el municipio, configura la malla vial y el límite del municipio.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. MARCO TEÓRICO 2. REFERENTES 3. METODOLOGÍA 4. RESULTADOS 5. DISCUSIÓN 6. CONCLUSIONES REFERENCIASPregradoArquitect

    Inserción de arquitectura contemporánea en contexto patrimonial

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    Artículo de InvestigaciónEste documento hace parte del desarrollo de proyecto de grado para la Facultad de Diseño de la Universidad Católica de Colombia interviniendo en lugares reales que permite la investigación y formulación de problemáticas acerca del confort para habitantes de lugares turísticos patrimoniales (Villa de Leyva), la relación entre espacios privados y públicos, reflexiones sobre la responsabilidad de la arquitectura y del arquitecto frente a las necesidades de infraestructura en una población.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. METODOLOGÍA 2. RESULTADOS 3. DISCUSIÓN 4. CONCLUSIONES REFERENCIASPregradoArquitect

    Access to diagnosis and treatment of Chagas disease/infection in endemic and non-endemic countries in the XXI century.

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    In this article, Médicos Sin Fronteras (MSF) Spain faces the challenge of selecting, piecing together, and conveying in the clearest possible way, the main lessons learnt over the course of the last seven years in the world of medical care for Chagas disease. More than two thousand children under the age of 14 have been treated; the majority of whom come from rural Latin American areas with difficult access. It is based on these lessons learnt, through mistakes and successes, that MSF advocates that medical care for patients with Chagas disease be a reality, in a manner which is inclusive (not exclusive), integrated (with medical, psychological, social, and educational components), and in which the patient is actively followed. This must be a multi-disease approach with permanent quality controls in place based on primary health care (PHC). Rapid diagnostic tests and new medications should be available, as well as therapeutic plans and patient management (including side effects) with standardised flows for medical care for patients within PHC in relation to secondary and tertiary level, inclusive of epidemiological surveillance systems

    Rehabilitación y recuperación urbana en Villa de Leyva

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    Artículo de GradoEl presente documento pretende generar una base teórica que fortalezca la propuesta de trabajo de noveno y décimo semestre como proyecto de grado. Este trabajo se realiza bajo uno de los enfoques de aprendizaje que plantea la universidad, el “ABP” (aprendizaje basado en problemas). Este enfoque se desarrolla en cada uno se los semestres con la teoría de la ingeniería en reversa, la cual es el proceso de análisis y evaluación tendiente a localizar conceptos significativos presentes en una edificación referente, se parte siempre de un modelo físico y se usan métodos de medición, análisis de diseño y adquisición de datos para finalmente reconocer las prácticas ejemplificadoras.1. INTRODUCCIÓN 2. HISTORIA EN VILLA DE LEYVA 3. METODOLOGÍA 4. NIVEL URBANO. 5. NIVEL ARQUITECTÓNICO. 6. DISCUSIÓN 7. CONCLUSIONES 8. BIBLIOGRAFÍAPregradoArquitect

    Humberto A. Lagiglia : arqueólogo

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    Este trabajo reseña la vida académica de un destacado protagonista de las Ciencias Naturales y Antropológicas de Argentina durante la segunda mitad del Siglo XX: Humberto Lagiglia. En este sentido viene a complementar la serie de artículos con los que se busca rendir homenaje a quienes fueron precursores de la moderna arqueología durante la segunda mitad del Siglo XX. A tal efecto, para sintetizar una vida tan rica en matices y aportes, nos hemos basado en la revisión de sus publicaciones y sobre todo de su curriculum vitae. Esta presentación busca ser un reconocimiento a una vida dedicada a la investigación.Fil: Chiavazza, Horacio. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Arqueología y Etnologí

    El Rio Magdalena en el crecimiento historico de Honda (Colombia): un caso atípico de morfología urbana en América latina

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    El municipio de Honda (Tolima - Colombia) se sitúa en la convergencia del río Grande de la Magdalena, Gualí y la quebrada Seca. Su localización geográfica constituye un nodo estructurante clave para el desarrollo regional en el contexto histórico colombiano. Honda desde su conformación se ha configurado de manera atípica a las demás ciudades latinoamericanas trazadas con la impronta del damero. El objetivo del estudio es reconocer la relevancia del río Grande de la Magdalena, sus afluentes y las condiciones geomorfológicas del lugar como elementos relevantes en su transformación urbana relacionada de manera estrecha con el entorno. Se indagan fuentes primarias, de archivo histórico, literatura y planimetría referente a procesos de poblamiento y colonización, que luego se contrasta con cartografía actual y fotografías satelitales que permiten aportar material gráfico y teórico nuevo que amplía la explicación de la actividad fluvial en el contexto histórico de Honda y su repercusión nacional.The municipality of Honda (Tolima - Colombia) is located at the convergence of the Grande de la Magdalena River, Gualí and the Seca Stream. Its geographical location constitutes a key structuring node for regional development in the Colombian historical context. Since its formation, Honda has been configured in an atypical way to the other Latin American cities traced with the imprint of the checkerboard. The objective of the study is to recognize the relevance of the Grande de la Magdalena River, its tributaries and the geomorphological conditions of the place as relevant elements in its urban transformation closely related to the environment. Primary sources, historical archive, literature and planimetry referring to settlement and colonization processes are investigated, which is then contrasted with current cartography and satellite photographs that provide new graphic and theoretical material that expands the explanation of fluvial activity in the historical context of Honda and its national repercussion

    Straight from the horse’s mouth: children’s reception of dubbed animated films in Spain

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    Reception studies in the field of audiovisual translation (AVT) have increased considerably in the last two decades, including the target viewer in the picture. This paper presents the results of a study exploring young children’s reactions to some of the translation strategies regularly adopted in dubbed animated films. A total of 163 participants were shown nine animated film clips dubbed from English into Spanish, which included cultural references, colloquial language, educational content and songs. Data were then collected through a questionnaire adapted to the participants’ level of cognitive development and the analysis was based on two independent variables: the participants’ year in school and the number of previous viewings of the films. The results show that children do not seem to have much trouble understanding cultural, educational and musical content that is specific to the source culture and is kept in the target text. Interestingly, having previously watched the films does not appear to be a determining factor in children’s ability to identify these elements

    Modernism in Miniature: Points of View

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    The exhibition ‘Modernism in Miniature: Points of View,’ curated by Deriu, explored intersections between the model boom of the early twentieth century and the parallel explosion of mass media in architectural culture. The project was rooted in the preliminary work undertaken during a residence at the CCA Study Centre as a visiting scholar in 2007. He was subsequently invited to carry out further research at the CCA archives and to curate this exhibition. Drawing primarily, though not exclusively, on materials from the CCA collections, the show illustrated various means by which architectural models were produced, reproduced, and disseminated to the public. The exhibition was installed in the CCA’s Octagonal Gallery and included photographs, magazines, film, and additional source materials that illustrated a variety of visual practices that contributed to position the architectural model as a preeminent tool of design and representation within European and American modernism. These objects were grouped according to six interrelated themes, which were presented in such a way as to create visual links between primary and secondary sources. The exhibition was widely reviewed in the international press and gained wider impact through a website, which has been further developed after the show to include selected images, installation shots, and downloadable materials, along with the video of Deriu's curator's talk delivered on the opening day. Deriu was invited to present his project at the conference ‘Still Architecture: Photography, Vision and Cultural Transmission’ at the University of Cambridge, 2012. The same year, he was also invited to give a lecture at Nottingham Contemporary Art Centre, in conjunction with the exhibition of model photographs by the German artist Thomas Demand